Some Codes

Check- or generator matrices of some linear codes

I give here check- or generator matrices of some linear codes. Most of these codes were found by computer search. Codes cited in older papers, whose parameters are implied by other codes given here, are set italic.

Look at caps for codes with distance 4.

Check- or generator matrices of some linear binary codes

[154,132,7] [155,133,7] [162,139,7] [49,27,9] [71,46,9] [72,47,9]
[77,51,9] [38,12,13]

Check- or generator matrices of some linear ternary codes.

[39,29,6] [85,74,6] [95,83,6] [100,87,6] [103,90,6] [27,16,7]
[34,22,7] [39,26,7] [40,27,7] [42,29,7] [51,37,7] [53,39,7]
[88,72,7] [92,76,7] [101,84,7] [108,91,7] [29,16,8] [35,21,8]
[44,29,8] [82,66,8] [83,66,8] [25,10,10] [72,9,40] [81,9,48]

Check- or generator matrices of some linear quaternary codes.

[82,73,5] [87,78,5] [126,116,5] [145,135,5] [27,19,6] [36,27,6]
[81,70,6] [93,81,6] [106,94,6] [26,16,7] [70,57,7] [43,12,19]

Check- or generator matrices of some linear codes for q=5.

[12,7,5] [30,24,5] [44,37,5] [78,70,5] [137,128,5] [28,21,6]
[33,25,6] [44,35,6] [68,58,6] [102,91,6] [17,9,7] [27,18,7]
[33,23,7] [45,34,7] [15,6,8] [33,22,8] [15,5,9] [30,6,20]

Check- or generator matrices of some linear codes for q=7.

[18,13,5] [36,30,5] [70,63,5] [15,9,6] [24,17,6] [14,7,7]
[19,11,7] [24,12,10] [18,5,12]

Check- or generator matrices of some linear codes for q=8.

[20,15,5] [41,35,5] [16,10,6] [26,19,6] [44,36,6] [21,13,7]
[16,8,8] [20,10,9] [20,5,14] [37,6,25] [39,6,26]

Check- or generator matrices of some linear codes for q=9.

[20,15,5] [45,39,5] [96,89,5] [29,22,6] [22,14,7]

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